Normal Earphones

Custom 3D Printed Earphones - Normal NYC...

Custom 3D Printed Earphones - Normal NYC

Forget everything you have learned about earphones. Normal is breaking the stereotypical way everyone listens to everything. Download the app or just head directly to the store/ factory in Chelsea. The Normal app will prompt you to take a picture of both ears, then sends both pictures to the "ear tailors" to be customized and 3D printed for your ears. With these bespoke earphones fitting like a glove, no sound will be left behind and like most modern earphones there is a three button control that lets you play, pause, answer a call and pump up the volume.

Normal NYC Head Quarter Chelsea

The cost of these customized canals of sound are yours for the pretty price of $199. After downloading the app and taking pictures of both ears, the 3D-sculpted pairs are delivered in 48 hours.

150 West 22nd Street
New York, NY