Museum of Mathematics

MoMath: Museum of Mathematics...

MoMath: Museum of Mathematics

Math is all around us, but we often don't make the connections or find it too intimidating to investigate but the Museum of Mathematics is all about helping people of all ages see the patterns and the math that is all around us. With fun activities, exhibits and hands on experiences, the Museum of Mathematics looks to inspire new interest and understanding of math. Who doesn't want to take a ride on a square wheeled tricycle?

MoMath also hosts math tournaments, such as the 2014 MoMathlon middle school math tournament series and the 2014 MoMath Masters, helping to promote the fun and competition that math can bring into your life encouraging children of all ages to find the fun and not the fear in math.

The New York Times

This is not a museum, you might think, it is a high-tech playground, some 19,000 square feet with 30 attractions on two floors. I stand in front of a screen, and I see myself as a tree sprouting branches of mini-me’s (“Human Tree”). I cover a wall with interlocking monkeys (“Tesselation Station”). I dip a paint roller into water and map footprints on a blackboard (“Water Frieze”).