Manhattan Cricket Club
Manhattan Cricket Club
Manhattan Cricket Club

Manhattan Cricket Club | Hidden Cocktail Bar in the Upper West Side...

Manhattan Cricket Club | Hidden Cocktail Bar in the Upper West Side


This place is exactly what the UWS needs. Because... no offense to the neighborhood, but... these are downtown-worthy cocktails. Exhibit A: the Salt and Pepper—a deconstructed-then-reconstituted Bloody with potato vodka, sun-dried tomato, celery-root tincture, atomized-white-truffle salt and smoked-black-pepper essence. (So... not Morton’s.)

For access, enter Burke & Wills. A hostess will guide you through the tufted door, where you’ll ascend to a turn-of-the-century living room with shelves of old cricket memorabilia and Charles Dickens volumes...

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Manhattan Cricket Club
226 W. 79th Street
(above Burke & Wills)
New York, NY 10024