TD Five Boro Bike Tour 2013

Join the Biggest Mass Bike Tour through the 5 Boros...

Join the Biggest Mass Bike Tour through the 5 Boros

The popular TD Five Boro Bike Tour takes 32,000 bicyclists through all five New York Burroughs - Manhattan, The Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn and Staten Island - while raising money to fund bike education classes. From the last event, over 15,000 New Yorkers were taught bike safety. The event got its start in 1977 and has grown to be the largest mass cycling event in the United States and unlike other recreational rides, this Boro Bike Tour focuses on urban riding. Proceeds from previous tours has helped build the first official Hosteling International hostel in New York and has helped establish urban rides in other cities such as Boston, San Francisco and Montreal.

photo credit: TD Five Boro Bike Tour

Sun, May 04th 2014