Take Me Home Driver
Take Me Home Play
Take Me Home Taxi

Live Theatre inside a Taxi Cab: "Take Me Home"...

Live Theatre inside a Taxi Cab: "Take Me Home"

Incubator Arts Project:

One yellow taxi. Three audience members only. A mobile journey that takes you through the New York City streets to a place you didn't even know you wanted to go.


“Take Me Home” is a 40-minute play that is set entirely inside a moving taxi as it snakes through the largely abandoned streets and alleys of the after-hours Financial District.

Audience members—three per cab, three rides per night—are told to show up at an ATM vestibule in Chinatown, where a 6-foot-4-inch man named Zane asks, “Are you looking for a ride home?” and then flags the cab.

“I’ll take you to a city that’s not your city,” actor Modesto “Flako” Jimenez, an actual livery cab driver, says in his role as taxi driver Ace Morales. “I’ll take you to the other side. I’ll take you on a ride.”

NY1 News

Immersive theatre experience in the backseat of a taxi cab...Guaranteed to be a wild ride